about nicole


born on the sunny island of malta somewhere in europe, nicole was raised as an only child. this is what led her to become so curious, introspective, attentive to detail, willing to explore and eventually - a poet.

in her journey of lone exploration, two things have never left her side: her black leather journal and her blue roller ball ink pen.

as she experienced love, loss, pain, trauma and mental health struggles, writing is what made nicole who she is, and it continues to shape her to this day.

from the young age of twelve, she became curious about the stars, the moon and the universe, which led to the discovery of her spirituality.

β€œand the stars of orion do nothing but blink back at me. for silence provides nothing but the truth. when things get difficult. look up.”

- nicole barbara, from rose petals and stardust

nicole enjoys romanticising the world, adventuring in the wild, connecting with animals, reading and obsessing over different blends of tea.